Create a simple website Using Dropbox for Free - Cyber Tweaks

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Create a simple website Using Dropbox for Free

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Create a Free website Using Dropbox

Dropbox knew for one the best cloud storage provider but you can use Dropbox as a free host for your website. There are many sites allowing you to create a free website using Dropbox for storing all your data in the Dropbox account. If you want to host static HTML pages, then you can make use of your Dropbox account.


A pancake is a great option for creating simple websites with a Secure URL. Pancake allows you to create 3 websites per account and allows HTTPS URL. Pancake gives you subdomain ( but you can add your Custom domain after creating a project.

2. DropPages

DropPages is a web application that connects to your Dropbox account to create a site for you. They will allow you 50MB Space for free accounts. You can use DropPages Themes to Built your site.

3. site44

Probably the best site for creating a free website using Dropbox. Site44 supports HTTPS URL for free subdomains but they only allow 100MB Bandwidth for the free plan. Site44 is best when you Upgrade your plan to premium.

4. KISSr

KISSr is another simple WebHost uploading your HTML document. KISSr allows 50MB Storage space and 50MB Bandwidth for Free plans.

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